Training Exercises..... Videos....Class cancellations....Important updates...
This page is for students looking for videos to help with some of the training techniques we use. I will post any class cancellations or updates that may occur. Please check in often! Don't forget to go to the shows page to get the most up to date show schedule along with websites and premiums for the shows
Training Videos.....
Contacts oh Boy!-Planks and stairs
Targets and stairs.wmv
Jump Grids...
Straight Line Jump Grids
Tugger working on his straight line grids. Not bad for the young boy.
Puppy its yer choice
Tugger - its yer choice
tugger - 8 weeks progressing w/its yer choice and touch. He's easily distraced, but comes right back
Famous Puppy Matrix from Leader of the Pack training school shaping....
Matrix 11 weeks shaping stuff
Puppy Shaping! Backing up, sit-stays with distractions, Perch Work, Balance disc.
Baskets and Targets and Perches - Oh My!
Getting started on some shaping here... I edited out much of the tugging and breaks in between, even though that is the best part! Just ignore the incorrect timing of the printed words on the screen ;-))
Susan Garrett Crate Games
Crate Games
A new DVD that demonstrates how to create a well behaved family pet and a great performance dog all with the use of only a dog crate. No dog training library is complete without this DVD!